Another state crossing and we're into big country. Today was supposed to be a recovery day, but we had a tail wind most of the morning and good roads, so I went for a personal record century...and did it...100 miles in 4:45 and a 21 mph avg! Century number 21.
What can we say about Dalhart, TX...the feed lot capital of the world. Several of the ladies are vegetarians and had to ride several miles through the down wind of these huge feed lots. One tried to hold her breath with only limited success. The other said she was traumatized and felt ill after seeing the thousands of cattle penned up (she quickly recovered over lunch after a salad and Fat Tire beer). We also noted a big sign on the resturant door that said only licensed fire arms were allowed inside...what a relief!
I talked to Harry, from Boston, on the road this morning, and ask him if it were true that he had run 20 Boston Marathons. He said that not only had he done 20, but they were twenty consecutive marathons. Again I am humbled.
I also rode with Frank for 50 miles, who had hurt his knee after falling through a cattle guard. He was strong and did well, but is dealing with saddle sores. Randy gave us a vivid description of his saddle sores, which he said is black and yellow, and looks like hamburger. He consulted with the docs and is grounded until it heals up.
Twenty miles out of Tucumcari, we came across a guy dressed in a tux walking down the highway. Terry pulled over visited with a him, who is named Antonio, and is walking from San Diego to Washington DC to visit Pres Bush. His message is "Wake Up America", we need to be spending money on cancer research and not Iraq. He has no money and is successfully living on the generosity of people along the way. Again I feel humble comparing my journey to his.
We are starting to see more wildlife along the road. One of the locals at the resturant warned me to stay away from the ditches because the rattle snakes were out. He also warned us to watch out for severe weather, and if it hits to take cover. The tour director said if there is no cover (which is almost always) then we were to go lay down in a ditch. Help!!
Stats: 100 miles ( including 4 extra), 4:45, 21 mph avg, 1500' climbing, 10-20 mph tail winds, temps 60 - 80 deg.