Finally a dry hot day!
We stayed in a great campground, right next to a water park, but everyone keeps their cloths on here. Next to us was a German Bushotel – a touring bus with 20 seats and 20 births for overnight sleeping. I checked it out and it looked like sleeping accommodations on a submarine. I asked the tour guide and he said “ja ja, a U-boat.”
For the first time in a month I got to pack up dry camping gear!
I managed to pickup my summer head cold, so a three hour afternoon nap helped a bunch. I checked with Dr Wynn, our local doctor, and he said to take it easy. I started out easy and after an hour got caught up in a fast pace line, which turned into a race, which I barely hung on to. It felt good, though. I have found that initially I was in better shape than most and would consistently be in the top six. After a month, everyone is in good shape and I have to work hard to stay in the top dozen. I guess that is what age does to you.
I had a great discussion with a Hungarian biker that stayed with us for the evening. He is publishing a new Hungarian magazine on adventure travel around the world. I asked about how the country had transitioned from communism to capitalism. He said the communists were peacefully removed in 1989 and land restored to the previous owners. The transition went relatively smooth, but people are still learning about customer service and hard work.
Today’s country side was picturesque vegetable farms and vineyards. Wheat harvest is just getting started, but is small potatoes compared to Kansas.
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