Mountain Biking on Sunday Morning!
On the road at sunrise and on to a country road for a long hot, hilly ride, over beater roads that some local bikers said were only suited for mountain biking. The scenery was fantastic, but several times I had to ask what I was doing on this rough road with my road bike. Some of the potholes were so bad that my camera got knocked out of its Velcro bento box and on the road…Kodak makes them tough though. The first half of the ride was steep climbs of 8 – 12% followed by equally steep descents where I had to stay on the breaks and bounced through potholes.
I did get a close look at early morning farm life in the foothills of the Carpathian foothills. There were lots of stray dogs in the villages that decided this was the time to bark and chase me, before the heat of the day. I saw women were out drawing water from community wells and carrying two buckets to their homes. A local baker was driving around in a truck and selling loaves of bread to households. Cows were getting milked. Later in the morning, older villagers gathered for Greek Orthodox church services, and the younger ones headed to local restaurants for midday gatherings. Again, time appears to have stood still for hundreds of years.
Tonight we are in a camping on the grounds of a motel and restaurant, next to a water park and zoo. Large cold drinks are a dollar, which is heavenly on this long hot day! For showers, the staff rented several rooms and we used those bathrooms. It does work. We also had a dozen stry dogs wondering through the camp.
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