We did it! After a leisurely 19 mile ride from the Boston hotel to Revere Beach, we had a ceremonial wheel dip in the Atlantic Ocean. It was a crowning morning for 43 days of biking across this magnificent land of America. Mission complete!! Rode every rideable inch (EFI)!
Sandra was there at the beach to participate, which was great since she saw me off from the Pacific almost two months ago.
Tonight is a tough farewell dinner, where we say goodbye to near and dear friends. We have already been talking about possible new challenges..biking the Orient Express, hiking in Tibet, riding the Rockies, etc. Not many of us feel the need to repeat the cross country, but will cherish the memories. Kim awarded me the puffer fish helmet cover that she wore during part of the race. See picture of group.
We had a weigh-in last night and the average person lost about 10 pounds. I managed to drop 12 pounds...my lowest weight since college. Terry lost 20 pounds. The trick now is to reduce the calorie intake from 5000 a day to about 2000. This may be tough.
Today's stats: 19 miles, 12 mph avg, 200' climbing, temp 65 deg, light winds.
Overall stats: 3500 miles ridden, 81,000' of climbing, 43 days on the bike, 12 pounds weight lost, ten centuries.
Your entry and pictures brought tears to my eyes. The kids LOVE the hat. I think it was the one Patrick commented on in the very first group picture back in May. Have a delightful "drive" home and just continue to enjoy the journey. I cant think a better way to witness how GOD has truly blessed America! What a gift!
Thanks for the amazing tour of the country Jim! You're daily entries and pictures have been poured over and greatly appreciated! Danica's comment last night was... "we won't be able to read Jimbo's blog anymore!".... better get another adventure lined up and another Blog!
Chat with you soon! Off to soccer now.
I am so proud of your accomplishment and make sure that everyone I know hears about your adventure. I keep wondering how you're going to top this and your blog post indicates that you're already giving some thought. Congratulations, Jim!! We'll say a toast to you at our next beer call!
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